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Sahel - An Elegant Multi-Concept Theme $79


  • 6 months support / Lifetime updates
  • Quality checked by Themeforest
1340 sales
Created: 30 Aug 18  —  Updated: 14 May 21

Detailed Presentation

Breathe life into your creative work with Sahel, an elegant multi-concept theme. Elegant in every aspect, this WordPress beauty is decked out with everything your website may need.

Key Features : Custom Header Layouts, Smooth Page Transitions, Gradient Background, Horizontal Scroll Gallery, Portfolio, Shop, Elegant Style
Ideal for : Creative Studios, Design Agencies, Freelancers, All Kinds of Elegant Business Presentations

All our themes have

Professional support Unlimited updates 1 click demo content import 800+ font styles available Easy color switch
Mobile ready SEO friendly Retina ready Translation ready Well documented
Social icons, social share Custom code friendly Fully customizable headers Fully customizable footers Adaptable shortcodes
Flexible layouts No coding required

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  • Lanora
    4 years ago

    My support on the Sahel theme has run out but I only have a little question I coiuld find no information about: How do I remove or edit the ‘Sahel’ title that appears directly upon loading the page? I just couldn’t find anything about it. Thank you so much for answering.

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago

      Hi there,
      In Theme Options > General, you can set the preloader style, and the text, like in the screenshot:
      Keep in mind that you also have this option on each page, so make sure that it is not set on the page itself.
      Let us know if you need anything else.

  • [email protected]
    4 years ago

    Hello, I bought the Sahel them on 27.02.20 and need some help with technical issues. Has my help run out already

  • [email protected]
    5 years ago

    When I Import All Demo it stocks at 4% 🙁

  • [email protected]
    5 years ago

    Hello, Does this theme requires SUHOSIN because my server is not supporting it. Please advise ASAP as I bought the theme already and didn’t know.

  • theslowlist
    5 years ago

    Hello – I’ve had a lot of problems importing the demo content for this theme. My issues are, the load keeps freezing at around 70% no matter what I do (I have optimised my settings via host and also tried loading via XML but get a 504 message) and now although I have some of the demo content loaded (but not all), the menu feature isn’t working (the menus don’t appear even when I select them) and the sliders aren’t showing up on some themes. The biggest issue is that when I try using Gutenberg visual editor, everything is in code. Please help!

    • Qode Interactive
      5 years ago

      Hi there, thank you for writing in! Please reach out to our support team at and they will assist you with this issue. Simply create an account and submit your request on our Help Center.
      Let us know if you need anything else.
      Best regards,

  • sidebar316
    5 years ago

    I purchased the beautiful SAHEL theme and would like to know if it’s possible to set up the blog posts so that they resemble the following blog post style –

    The goal is to have text in the center with ample white space on both sides.
    And to be able to center the images.

    Thank you

    • Qode Interactive
      5 years ago

      Hi, thanks for reaching out!
      Sahel has a blog post layout like that, except with sidebar. It’s this one here: The content of the post is created using a page builder, in this case WPBakery. You can use the builder to organize the content any way you like, including centering it. Also, you can manipulate the padding around the content to add the empty or white space around the content. The padding should be added to the columns in the builder that we want to appear narrow, with text closer to the center. In other words, you can center all the content, or just some of it, leaving the rest a bit wider, it’s up to you.
      We hope this helps! If there’s anything else we can do for you, let us know.
      Best regards,

  • LisaKvist
    5 years ago

    Hi! I have sevverproblems and my hosting company said it is because the sahel theme and that I should contact you. PHP Warning: etc

    I cant get in touch with the webdesigner who helped me so I need youre help. I cant use Yoast and ryte and I get 200 server disconnected and 403 problems

    • Qode Interactive
      5 years ago

      Hi there, thank you for writing in! Please reach out to our support team at and they will assist you with this issue. Simply create an account and submit your request on our Help Center.
      Let us know if you need anything else.
      Best regards,

  • cynthiatranvo
    5 years ago

    Hey, i’m having problems with changing the background colour for the Nyiri page. Whenever I change the background colour the multiple vertical lines going accross the screen disappear.