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Prowess - Fitness and Gym Theme $75


  • 6 months support / Lifetime updates
  • Quality checked by Themeforest
  • Complete  Youtube  Tutorials
1741 sales
Created: 04 Apr 18  —  Updated: 06 Jul 21

Detailed Presentation

Get in shape with Prowess, a fitness and gym WordPress theme designed to make a bold impression. The theme is fully decked with powerful sports layouts and features and the best of all it doesn’t require any coding knowledge.

Key Features : Classes Schedule, Events, BMI Calculator, Timetable, Team, Pricing Packages, Galleries, Shop
Ideal for : Fitness Centers, Gyms, Personal Trainers, Bodybuilders, Yoga Studios, Events, Sportswear and Supplement Stores, Extreme Sports Clubs

All our themes have

Professional support Unlimited updates 1 click demo content import 800+ font styles available Easy color switch
Mobile ready SEO friendly Retina ready Translation ready Well documented
Social icons, social share Custom code friendly Fully customizable headers Fully customizable footers Adaptable shortcodes
Flexible layouts No coding required

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  • chriswije
    5 years ago

    When can we the theme updated. WordPress and Woocommerce new versions are there

    • Qode Interactive
      5 years ago

      Please note that due to safety measures related to COVID-19 the updating of our themes is a bit delayed, we are constantly working really hard on updating all our themes. However, we can say that the theme is compatible with the latest version of WordPress as well as with the latest WooCommerce as well. You will get this message though but it will not affect the performance of the theme and it will be added in the theme’s changelog once the update is out.
      At the moment we don’t have any ETA when this update will come out. You will for sure be notified when the theme update is out.
      We certainly do not drop our themes and our team is working hard on updating all our themes.
      We appreciate your patience and understanding.
      Also, if you need any immediate update of any plugin that comes bundled within our theme, you can always submit a request at our help center and our support team will be happy to help.
      Let us know if you need anything else.
      Best regards,