With Depot, eCommerce theme, shopping is more than fun! Beautifully designed and packed with versatile options, Depot is a theme which enables you to easily launch a modern eCommerce platform in virtually no time.
Key Features
Multiple Shop Layouts, Wishlist, Quick View, Product List Filter, Gallery, Blog, Clean and Minimal Style
Ideal for
Furniture Brands and Stores, Interior Design and Decor, Craft Stores, Ceramics Brands
[email protected]
I need to change the header logo height i want it to be more bigger, is that the right code
.mkd-page-header {
height: 35px;}
please give me the right code to put it in the custom CSS part for coding
And i want to change the logo image size too
Qode Interactive
Hi, thanks for reaching out.
We have an article for what you need, you can check it out here https://helpcenter.qodeinteractive.com/hc/en-us/articles/360006207078-How-To-Set-The-Logo-Height. For any further questions, please feel free to consult our Help Center.
Hello, can I use Elementor with this theme? I see WP Bakery listed as its builder, but I love the theme but would rather use Elementor to build.
Do I have to renew WP Bakery subscriptions?
Qode Interactive
Hi, thanks for reaching out!
WPBakery comes bundled with the theme, you can find all the details about the integration and licenses here https://helpcenter.qodeinteractive.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002309457-Activating-Licenses-For-Bundled-Plugins.
Unfortunately, the theme is not compatible with Elementor.
Let us know if you need anything else.
[email protected]
I want to combine a blog and an eCommerce website. Can I create a blog as a component of this theme? Can I also add a customized landing page?
Qode Interactive
Hi, thanks for reaching out!
Yes, you can combine shop and blog pages that come with the theme. As you can see from the demo, a website can be a combination of a shop and a blog, thanks to premade pages. As for the blog, here are some of the pages from the demo that you can use for it: https://depot.qodeinteractive.com/elements/blog-list/ or https://depot.qodeinteractive.com/blog/blog-masonry/.
As for the landing page, you can customize it any way you like so that it fits your preferences perfectly.
Please let us know if you need anything else.
Best regards,
[email protected]
Would you be able to customise this theme to include a download functionality instead of “Buy Now”?
Qode Interactive
Hi there, thank you for writing in and taking interest in our themes!
Depot theme works with WooCommerce and there are downloadable products included as you can see here: https://depot.mikado-themes.com/product/downloadable-product/
The button text can be changed from Add to Cart to Download, however the product needs to be purchased through the standard WooCommerce order first.
Let us know if you need anything else.
Best regards,